Lama Al-Qusairi
Lama prepared her master and PhD in the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology (IGBMC) in Strasbourg, France. There, she studied the physiopathology underlying skeletal muscle disorders in the group of Prof. Jean-Louis Mandel. By the end of her thesis, she became increasingly fascinated by the role of ion channels in human diseases, and wanted to explore new organ systems. Hence, she moved to renal physiology and started my postdoctoral training in the University of Lausanne where she worked with Prof. Olivier Staub to assess the role of SGK1/NEDD4-2 pathway in potassium homeostasis. She then obtained a CAS/DAS in translational nephrology from the University of Bern, Switzerland. She has joined Prof. Paul Welling’s group as research associate. Her current research focuses on understanding the renal response to dietary potassium deficiency, and elucidating the mechanisms involved in potassium-associated pathologies.