Robert Little

Robert Little

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Aahus University, Department of Biomedicine

T: +44 7706490777

Robert Little received his PhD from the School of Medicine, The University of Sheffield, UK, 2012. Subsequently he was a research associate at the University of Manchester (UK) 2012-2017 (Ca2+ ATPases in hypertension) and a research Fellow at The University of Leeds (UK) 2017-2018 (Dietary effects on adipocytes). He joined Prof. Fenton’s group at the Dept. of Biomedicine, Aarhus University in 2018 to study renal transport mechanisms in hypertension.Currently he has published 6 peer reviwed papers, 4 personal meeting abstracts and been involved in abstracts presented by a range of students. He was selected for an oral presentation at the Experimental Biology meeting 2020 and was awarded travel and expenses by the APS.