Sathish Murali

Sathish Murali

Sathish Murali

Post-Doctoral Fellow
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Aahus University, Department of Biomedicine

T: +45 91735206

Sathish K Murali recieved his PhD from Department of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Biophysics, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria. Following succesful completion of his PhD in 2016, he joined Prof.Fenton’s lab at the Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, to gain broader knowledge in studying epithelial sodium and water transport. As a part of his Postdoc, he spent a year at USF, Florida in Dr.Rieg’s lab studying sodium transport in the intestine and kidney. He has so far published 8 papers in peer-reviewed journals, presented his work in several internatinal conferences and reciever of several travel grants. Awards for his academic accomplishments include Young inversitagor award (ASBMR) and Finalist award from Epithelial Transport Group (EB).